
LabasededonnéesCollectionsprésenteplusde480000œuvresdumuséeduLouvreetdumuséenationalEugène-Delacroix.MuséeduLouvre·MasterpiecesoftheLouvre·Clearfilters·Collections,WorksheldbytheLouvreMuseum,Paris.WikimediaCommonshasmediarelatedtoCollectionsoftheLouvre.,Itcontainsover500,000worksfromtheMuséeduLouvreandtheMuséeNationalEugène-DelacroixspanningavarietyofplacesinFranceorabroad.Eachentry ...,TheCol...

Louvre site des collections

La base de données Collections présente plus de 480 000 œuvres du musée du Louvre et du musée national Eugène-Delacroix. Musée du Louvre · Masterpieces of the Louvre · Clear filters · Collections

Category:Collection of the Louvre

Works held by the Louvre Museum, Paris. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Collections of the Louvre.


It contains over 500,000 works from the Musée du Louvre and the Musée National Eugène-Delacroix spanning a variety of places in France or abroad. Each entry ...


The Collections database consists of entries for more than 500,000 works in the Musée du Louvre and Musée National Eugène-Delacroix. Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s Louvre... · Collections · Visitor Trails · The gardens

Welcome to our online collection!

Category · architectural element · arms, military equipment, uniforms · binding · container, vase, tableware · cult item · decorative arts · funerary specimen.

Departments and collections of the Louvre Museum

Discover the 10 departments and collections of the Louvre Museum: from oldest to most recent as the Department of Islamic Arts.

Louvre Museum Collection | A Treasure Trove of Art

The Louvre collection includes around 450,000 artifacts and 35,000 works of art across eight curatorial departments. Do I need tickets to see ...